hot pot cold tiger

bee cheng hiang kuala lumpur @ journeylism.nlFondue or claypot, that’s the question at Bee Cheng Hiang in Kuala Lumpur.

Bee can be found in Jalan Sultan, a street that is all about food and fake fancy brands. Surrounded by stalls full of Rolex, Gucci, Prada and DVD’s you’ll find mysterious plastic tables with a circular whole in the centre. The mystery turns out to be a huge fondue pan which fill the hole in both the table and your stomach.

While the bouillon is getting up to steam, you can point out what you’ll like to prepare in it at the stalls around the tables. Shrimp, sate, mushrooms, squid, fish and loads of organs, all on fondue sticks, disappear into the boiling table, filling the air with steam and delicious scents.

fondue table jalang sultan kuala lumpur @ journeylism.nlThe citizens of Kuala Lumpur do not seem to have any difficulty eating the daily recommended amount of vegetables. They can play hide and seek behind the huge bowls full of veggies that can be found on each table. Complete vegetable gardens are thrown into the table. No sweat.

Next to the stall with the fondue sticks, someone covered in sparks enthusiastically stacks numerous pots. They’re claypots, another one of Bee’s specialties. In these pots a delicious mix of noodles, veggs, mushrooms, chicken and shrimp is prepared over burning fires.

10 minutes after sitting down, you and your chopsticks will be digging deep into your hot pot, cooled down by a cold Tiger beer.

claypot jalang sultan kuala lumpur @ journeylism.nlBee Cheng Hiang
87 Jalan Sultan
50000 Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
T: +60 3-2070 5400

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